Friday, September 12, 2008

Fluffy Marshmallow Cheesecake

oke pertama-tama ini bukan bener-bener marshmallow yang diancurin dan dicampurin ke dalam adonan cheesecake xD maav yh gw males translatenya ke Indo! tar kalo ada waktu bakal gw translate, I swear :)

What You Need :

1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 tablespoon sugar
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted (divided)

2 1/2 pounds cream cheese
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/3 cup sour cream
2 teaspoons pure vanilla
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
2 large egg yolks plus 6 whole eggs, lightly beaten

Steps :
Have ingredients at room temperature. Position an oven rack in center; heat to 325 degrees.

Crust: Stir together crumbs, sugar and 5 tablespoons of the butter. Brush bottom of a 9-inch springform pan with some of the remaining butter. Press crumb mixture evenly onto the bottom of the pan. Bake 10 minutes, until firm and lightly browned. Set aside on cooling rack.

Filling: Beat cream cheese on medium-low with an electric mixer until smooth. Scrape down beater and bowl sides with a rubber spatula. Add salt and about half the sugar; beat on medium-low about 1 minute. Scrape again, add remaining sugar and beat 1 minute. Scrape again, add sour cream, vanilla, lemon zest, and lemon juice and beat at low speed just until combined, about 1 minute. Scrape again, add yolks and eggs and beat just until combined, about 1 minute.

Brush sides of pan with remaining butter. Scrape filling onto the cooled crust. Gently tap pan on work surface to eliminate air bubbles. Bake 1 hour, until edges are set but center still moves slightly when you gently shake pan. Turn off heat, leave oven door ajar and let cake cool in oven 30 minutes. Transfer to a rack. Run a thin metal spatula around edges of pan to loosen. When cooled to room temperature, cover pan with foil and refrigerate until cake is thoroughly chilled, at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

How To Make Uramaki Sushi :)

Learn the proper technique for making any "inside-out" sushi roll (Uramaki). Watch this video and learn how to roll sushi and have fun! Uramaki is a type of sushi roll made with the rice on the outside and the seaweed on the inside. Uramaki can be made with a number of any of your favorite sushi bar ingredients. This recipe uses a crab, avocado, cucumber and fish roe. California sushi rolls are by far the most popular item to order at a sushi bar. California Rolls are the perfect introduction to the healthy fast food called sushi.

(song : Singing Wood Marimba - Santa Cruz)
credits : SushiNow@youtube

Avocado Roll

yak sebagai pemanasan mari membuat sushi yang paling gampang dulu...

1 resep nasi sushi
2 lbr nori
5 ptg kepiting imitasi
1 bh alpukat, potong kotak korek api besar

Bahan Dadar:
1 btr telur, kocok lepas
¼ sdt gara
1 sdm minyak goreng

Acar jahe
1 resep saus sushi (lihat di uji dapur)

Cara Membuat:
1. Aduk bahan dadar, buat dadar tipis di pan anti lengket hingga matang,
2. Letakkan nori di atas tirai bambu untuk sushi, ratakan nasi di atasnya,
tutup dengan dadar telur.
3. Tata potongan alpukat dan kepiting imitasi di atas nasi.
4. Gulung, padatkan, potong-potong, sajikan dengan pelengkap.

kalo mau jadi bentuk hati kaya diatas, tinggal dikreasi sendiri aja pas ngegulungnya..hho..

kyaa mauuuuuu!!

dimana neh belinye??????? oooohhh mauuuu!!! xDDDD

perkenalan... xD

hmm berhubung isi blognya harus kuliner.............................

jadi isi blog ini bakal hanya seputar makanan2 favorit gw yaitu SUSHI dan CHEESECAKE!
hho xD
tar di post2 brikutnya bakal ada sgala macem mulai dari asal-usul makanannya sampe resep2nya.. so keep on reading! ^^,

lagi-lagi postingan pertama xD


bahleul bner ini blogspot, masa gw kaga bisa login ke blog gw sndiri?? nyape2in orang aj bikin blog baru --"

yak pak agus, ini dia blog saya yang baru.. maaf yh pak mrepotkan karna alamat blog yang dulu harus dihapus..